There are, as you will see by clicking the samples on the left, many different styles of resumes. I will work personally with you to determine the best style for your background and career goals.
Anyone with a marketing background will tell you, it is vital to make your objective and purpose clear to the target audience. I often use an “objective” statement to accomplish this. However, the current trend in resume writing is to leave it off. I think this is a big mistake. Without an objective statement it may be hard for a hiring manager to know which job a person is applying for. This is especially true in big companies with multiple vacancies. The first person reading a resume may be Human Resources staff, with no background in your field. You MUST clearly state your purpose, and a simple, short objective statement is one of the best ways to do that. Missing this step is a great way to get your resume filed under “recycle”.
You will also see that I like bullet points, as opposed to paragraphs. This is because bullets break the information down into easily read and understood fragments. Psychologists tell us the mind processes small “chunks” of information more easily. The reader can quickly scan to see if the applicant has the right qualifications. Remember, the first person to read your resume will often give it a very brief overview. You must get your relevant skills out in front immediately. Bullets are far better than paragraphs for this reason.
I sometimes use italics, shading and other formatting for visual relief and to make the resume attractive. I can probably incorporate your own ideas if you wish. This is another advantage of my personal, one on one service.
“I was made to work; if you are equally industrious, you will be equally successful” – Johann Sebastian Bach